Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Northern Nevada

Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Northern Nevada

Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Northern Nevada Summary:


Big Brothers Big Sisters provides caring, stable, thoroughlyscreened and trained adult mentors to at-risk youth in ourcommunity. Volunteer mentors (Bigs) make a year-longcommitment to meet weekly with a child (Littles). Our Bigs, Littlesand Littles’ families are supported through regular contact withour Match Support Specialist. These professional case managersensure that strong relationships are built between the Bigs andLittles, all safety rules are being followed and continued resourcesand learning opportunities are available to mentors.Our traditional mentor program is community-based. Bigs pick uptheir Littles at home to spend time in the community for 1-3 hours.For our site-based program, we currently partner with nine low-income schools in the Washoe County School District and fourBoys and Girls Club sites. Bigs visit with their Little Brother or Sisterat their school or after-school program for an hour a week whileschool is in session.Whether sharing a game of chess, Frisbee at the park, or hiking in the Sierras, what all these matches have in common is that a relationship is developed between the Big and Little. We know that these relationships will ultimately change the life of that child for the better, forever.


1300 Foster Dr., Suite 210 Reno Nevada 89509