Burma Humanitarian Mission


Burma Humanitarian Mission Summary:

Burma/Myanmar is an often forgotten about country in SE Asia where 1 in 5 children do not live to see their first birthday due to preventable illnesses and military violence. We equip ethnic backpack medics to travel between villages providing urgently needed healthcare. We also support education partnerships and community projects to empower the people of Burma - to create a healthy future.


Burma has one the world’s worst health care systems, with some of the highest rates of malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, dysentery, diarrhea and other communicable illnesses in the world. In the ethnic conflict areas of Burma, the government provides no healthcare. We equip community based BACKPACK MEDICS who travel among their people to administer primary healthcare services to counter the effects of malnutrition, disease and violence.Internationally, education is regarded as an indispensable human right. In Burma, however, it is inaccessible to most people. The ruling elite understands that education is dangerous to their maintenance of power and control: when people are educated they question the government and demand their rights. According to the United Nations, overall Burma ranks 164 out of 168 countries for public expenditure on education. Education opportunities are almost nonexistent in ethnic areas of Burma.We support GRASSROOTS EDUCTION to empower youth and communities.Women and girls face disadvantages in Burma. Forced displacement exposes refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons, especially women and girls, to additional risks and exploitation. Violence against women, especially rape, sexual assault, abduction, forced prostitution and sexual slavery, are caused by conflict and poverty. We enable programs that EMPOWER WOMEN, HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY and CAPACITY BUILDING efforts to empower a new generation of leadership and cross-cultural peacemaking.


2985 S 800 E Salt Lake City UT 84106