Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter

Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter

Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter Summary:

The mission of Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter is to help people recognize the destructive power and effect of domestic violence on families and society; to help victims of domestic violence and their families achieve self-sufficiency and preserve dignity by providing services in a timely, responsible, courteous and efficient manner.


The Carlsbad Battered Families Shelter is a 501c3 organization which was incorporated in 1982 in order to provide immediate intervention and safe shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children. We currently have 7 full time staff and 16 active volunteers. We are currently located in a state of the art facility with 10 bedrooms, each hosting 2 full size beds, a large double kitchen, adult room, toy room, multi-purpose eating room, laundry facilities, and office areas. We have recently added a room for adult computers as well as computers for smaller children.


PO Box 2396 Carlsbad NM 88221