Cascadia Wildlands

Cascadia Wildlands defends and restores Cascadia’s wild ecosystems in the forests, in the courts, and in the streets. We envision vast old-growth forests, rivers full of salmon, wolves howling in the backcountry, and vibrant communities sustained by the unique landscapes of the Cascadia bioregion.

Cascadia Wildlands works throughout the Pacific Northwest and utilizes a suite of time-tested strategies and tactics, like grassroots organizing, policy creation and litigation to achieve our conservation goals. To this end, we have built a durable and vocal grassroots movement for watershed and species protection since our founding in 1998, with over 10,000 members and online supporters who take action when called on.Currently, we are working to confront proposals to privatize public lands, like the 93,000-acre Elliott State Forest in the Oregon Coast Range, restore wolf populations back into the Pacific West, protect wild salmon and clean water from the impacts of suction dredge mining, and safeguard iconic old-growth forests for generations to come. Join the movement today!

POB 10455 Eugene OR 97440