Cycle Oregon Fund At Oregon Community Foundation

Cycle Oregon Fund At Oregon Community Foundation

Cycle Oregon Fund At Oregon Community Foundation Summary:

Cycle Oregon is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming individuals and communities through bicycling. Proceeds from all events go to the Cycle Oregon Fund which helps preserve and protect the special places of Oregon and supports community development projects in the regions through which we ride.


Cycle Oregon was founded with the mission of helping the economic development of communities hit hardest by the loss of timber and other local revenue sources. It also seeks to help bridge the urban/rural divide across the state through its events.Since 1996, The Cycle Oregon Fund has made grants to organizations statewide of over $1.7Million. Grants range from small donations for things like replacement of a hot water heater in community halls, to larger and far wider ranging efforts to help local economies by developing bicycle tourism resources, aiding in the creation of the Oregon Scenic Bikeways, Salmonbery Rails to Trails project, bicycle advocacy, educational grants and much more.


2124 N Flint Ave Portland )R 97227