Forte Animal Rescue

Forte Animal Rescue Summary:

Forte Animal Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, seeking solutions for pet-overpopulation, as well as working together with the community to cultivate the human-animal bond through educational programs and activities.


Forte Animal Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to finding solutions for the problem of pet overpopulation through its educational activities, animal adoption efforts, and outreach program.Our founder, Marie Atake, was appointed to the Board of Animal Services Commission by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and served as a Commissioner from 2005 to 2007. Following her service to the city, Ms. Atake and Forte Animal Rescue were each awarded a Certificate of Recognition by Los Angeles City Council in September 2007. Forte Animal Rescue received another Commendation from the City Council in June 2008. The City Council has also appointed her to the city’s Spay/Neuter Ordinance Advisory Committee. For her work on this Committee, the Council has honored her with the 4th commendation.Forte Animal Rescue offers refuge for homeless dogs who are destined to be destroyed in the pound, abandoned and found wandering the streets, or surrendered by people who could no longer keep their companion animals.Forte also offers a structured Junior Volunteer program with hands-on experience, run by a certified high-school teacher. We are dedicated to inspiring compassion and educating the youth about the animal protection. Many children are learning the importance of spay/neuter and proper care of the animals while volunteering with us, and some are so inspired that they have decided to become veterinarians.


PO Box 10085 Marina del Re CA 90295