Hope Academy


Hope Academy Summary:

The mission of Hope Academy of the Denver Street School is to offer HOPE, healing, and a safe and loving environment to girls, 12-18, in the Denver Metro area who have experienced the horrific abuse of being exploited and sold for sex.


Human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. Right now it is estimated that between 100,000-300,000 American children are being exploited through pornography or prostitution every year. The average age of a child who is first exploited is 12-14 years old, though children as young as infants have been identified in pornography.Hope Academy will offer the following components:  Individualized Education, Individual and Group Counseling, Mentoring and Discipleship, Creative Expression & Art, Health & Wellness, Financial Literacy & Entrepreneurship, Leadership Development & Advocacy, Vocational Training


PO BOX 140069 Denver CO 80214