Kidnected World

Kidnected World Summary:

At Kidnected World, we are working to connect kids globally through tools, spaces and experiences that deepen their connection to the world as they expand their awareness of each other. Together with kids around the world, we are building an ecosystem where cultures can be preserved and shared, where technology expands rather than dilutes our communities, where everyone is a creator and where the things we create bring us together and make the world better in tangible ways.


The Wonderment (the first initiative from Kidnected World) is an online platform ( where kids can meet the world, share and collaborate creatively on a global level and even make tangible impact in the world—all in a safe space designed for them.On the platform, kids and teachers initiate and participate in creative challenges (“Paths”) with other kids around the world and their participation becomes a currency (backed by a community of donors) to make social good projects happen that they propose and choose.


115 Social Hall Ave. Salt Lake City UT 84111