Mangrove Action Project

Mangrove Action Project Summary:

The Mangrove Action Project partners with and empowers mangrove communities to conserve, restore, and sustainably manage their coastal resources through practical, proven methods of education and training.


Mangroves are vital for healthy coastal ecosystems in many regions of the world and these habitats have a unique importance to the planet. The Mangrove Action Project is dedicated to reversing the degradation and loss of mangrove forest wetlands and their associated coastal ecosystems worldwide. Its main goal is to promote the rights of traditional and indigenous coastal peoples, including fishers and farmers, to sustainably manage their coastal environs.MAP’s pro-active 5-pronged approach to long-term mangrove conservation involves: Networking Advocacy Education Conservation and Restoration Sustainable community-based development


606 Maynard Ave S Suite 102 Seattle WA 98104