Project 1.27

Project 1.27 Summary:

Project 1.27 is a Christian nonprofit ministry that inspires, recruits and resources churches and families to foster and adopt the kids in their own backyards.


Project 1.27 believes that every child in foster care should have the love and support of a family! No child should ever have to wait for family, and Project 1.27's mission is to inspire, recruit, and resource churches and families to care for kids in foster care in our own backyard.In December 2004 there were 875 children legally available for adoption in the Colorado foster care system. With the knowledge of over 3,000 active churches in Colorado, Pastor Robert Gelinas of Colorado Community Church began speaking with the state government to see how Colorado churches could work toward finding homes for these children.He explained, “The body of Christ needs to come together to make sure there are no children waiting for homes in Colorado. It is a travesty that we have kids waiting for homes in our own back yards. That should never be the case.”Thus, Project 1.27 was born with the vision that if each church in Colorado had one family step forward to adopt a child, there would be waiting parents instead of children.  James 1:27 serves as a central verse of the mission, stating that “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans… in their distress.”Through the collaborative efforts of state and county agencies, churches and faith-based organization’s like Project 1.27, the number of waiting children has declined in recent years. Project 1.27 now focuses on inspiring and recruiting families to both foster and adopt through the Foster Care System. Through our work in Colorado, as well as efforts toward a national expansion, Project 1.27 continuously strives to achieve our vision of a family waiting for every child!


2220 S Chambers Road Aurora CO 80014