Protect Our Winters

Protect Our Winters Summary:

Protect Our Winters is a passionate crew of diehards, professional athletes and industry brands mobilizing the outdoor sports community to lead the charge towards positive climate action. We focus on educational initiatives, political advocacy and community-based activism.


Protect Our Winters helps motivate political will for climate action through educational initiatives, political advocacy and community-based activism. By mobilizing the outdoor sports community, an $887 billion industry that supports 7.6 million American jobs, we amplify conversations until they are too loud to ignore. We recognize that our greatest lever to support crucial environmental policy initiatives and positive climate action is found in harnessing the power of a more involved, educated and politically influential outdoor sports community. POW focuses on three key influencer groups that work to create the largest potential for change: athletes, companies, and community members.


311 Mapleton Ave. Boulder CO 80304