Rising Star Outreach


Rising Star Outreach Summary:

Rising Star Outreach is a nonprofit organization that aids the leprosy colonies in India. Leprosy is curable, but the harsh stigma against leprosy affected people disrupt the connections that they are able to have within their community--they are seen as outsiders. Our organization helps close this gap by providing medical aid, education, and colony development, which enables them to re-enter their communities as thriving individuals.


Rising Star Outreach exists to help the leprosy colonies in India become thriving, self-sufficient communities. We are accomplishing this mission through three major initiatives: medical aid, education, and colony development. Medical Care: Fear and stigma prevent early detection and the necessary steps to be cured and overcome the disease. It can be difficult to find doctors willing to help. Our mobile medical clinics provide medical care, vision care, and an aggressive screening program to detect and treat new cases of leprosy.Education: One of the fastest and most effective ways to overcome the fear and stigma associated with leprosy is through education. The Peery Matriculation School for Rising Stars provides an education from kindergarten to 12th grade. Nearly 20% of our student body is comprised of children from surrounding villages. By integrating children from the communities with children from the leprosy colonies, we are seeing how fear and stigma are overcome when they are united in common goals.Colony Development: Rising Star Outreach helps facilitate infrastructure, growth and community development within India’s leprosy colonies. Colony leaders receive micro-grants, manage the disbursement, repayment, success, and the growth of the loans.Families become self-sufficient. Parents are productive members of society and are treated with dignity. Their children do not need to focus on financially supporting their families and can focus on an education.


3305 N. University Ave Suite 250 Provo Utah 84604