
Strong4sam Summary:

Strong4Sam is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating community awareness and raising funds for innovative research to discover more effective and less toxic therapies for pediatric cancer.


In December 2014, Jeff and Kellea Taylor received the devastating news that their youngest son, 11 year old Sam, had an inoperable brain tumor. In the following months, their family was inundated with information about brain tumors and treatment options. They learned the hard way that, while effective, the existing treatment options come with difficult and painful side effects. It was during these early months that they also learned about Project Violet, a nonprofit research group at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, started by Sam’s doctor, Dr. Jim Olsen, and dedicated to discovering more effective and less toxic therapies for pediatric cancer. Born out of the Taylor’s desire to do everything possible to help Sam, Strong4Sam was created as a fundraising group in support of Project Violet, which is funded exclusively through private donations.


26632 SE 15th St Sammamish WA 98075