The Center For Wooden Boats

The Center For Wooden Boats

The Center For Wooden Boats Summary:

The Center for Wooden Boats envisions a future where lives are enriched with the knowledge of where we fit into the continuum of history and human experience. We nourish this awareness by collecting, preserving and telling the story of Northwest wooden small craft and maritime culture.


THE CENTER FOR WOODEN BOATS is a hands-on maritime museum where every visitor has opportunities to engage in heritage experiences. CWB is a laboratory of learning using hands and minds. Come as you are and you will leave with calluses on your hands, shavings in your hair, maritime skills in your brain and pride of what you have achieved.So, pick up an oar and go for a row. Enroll in a workshop and open your mind to the skills and experiences enjoyed by mariners throughout the centuries. Pick up a tool and caulk a seam or fasten a plank. You’re bound to find something that catches your attention when you’re on our docks or in our boats. We hope you’ll join us in reconnecting with the physical world and preserving traditions and skills that have survived through the ages.The Center for Wooden Boats is a place where history becomes something you can touch, build, and sail. Come learn with us, play with us, sit with us, sail with us. Experience the history that’s written in boats.


1010 Valley St Seattle WA 98109