Transition Projects

Transition Projects Summary:


Transition Projects oversees 6 shelters and 2 severe weather shelthers, providing a safe place for over 800 people to sleep each night. Our Day Center provides basic needs resources and services for over 700 people experiencing homelessness per day. In Portland alone, over 3,800 people experience homelessness on any given night and only half of those people are sheltered. 11% are veterans. We also provide veteran-specific resources, such as tenant education and assistance with accessing VA resources. We also have 3 short-term housing-focused residential program facilities, where participants are provided with case management, life and job skills training, and support services. Over 800 people went through our program last year alone and we do not merely place people in housing. We provide follow-up services and financial assistance to ensure that people who get housing stay housed. Over 80% of participants have remained housed after the end of our year of financial assistance.


665 NW Hoyt St Portland OR 97209