Washington Ice Emeralds Synchronized Skating Organization


Washington Ice Emeralds Synchronized Skating Organization

Washington Ice Emeralds Synchronized Skating Organization Summary:

Creates the opportunity for skaters of all ages in the PNW to compete in the sport of synchronized skating.


WIESSO offers skaters of all ages youth through adult the opportunity to skate on a competitive synchronized skating team. All of our operations are funded by it’s members, fundraising and community donations. We hold practices for teams at various ice arenas in the PNW to prepare teams for competitions and performances through their season. Donations to our program allow us to bring the cost of participating on a team down and open up opportunities for those who may not have been able to participate in what is usually an expensive sport. . We also hold 1-2 camps per year, usually in the summer to give more opportunities for current members to grow in synchronized skating and create a place where other skaters can try the sport.


18005 Aurora Ave N Shoreline WA 98133