Audiobooks seemed like so much work only 10 years ago because you would still have to purchase a 6-CD set and flip through the discs in between chapters. These days, however, you can download entire audiobooks to your smartphone in a matter of a few minutes and you’ll have hours of uninterrupted listening ahead of you. Audible has a unique format that, essentially, requires you to purchase one book per month, and it feels as though you’re wasting your money if you don’t listen to it. So, Audible can be considered a bit of an accountability app as well. Got a library card? If not, go get one, heathen. Once you have one you can download Overdrive and login with your library card then browse ebooks as well as audiobooks that your library offers for free checkout. Pro hint: up the speed to 1.5x or ever 1.75x for even faster reading/listening.