Date Ideas for Couples Who Love to Learn (Volume 6)
By joey Sudmeier on Jan 12, 2022 in LEARN SOMETHING NEW

Date Ideas for Couples Who Love to Learn (Volume 6)

Learn how to be a ninja, karate, or how to sail with this fun list geared for learners. Date Ideas for Couples Who Love to Learn (Volume 6).

Karate Lessons

The valuable lesson here is learning self-defense.  With that said, it helps in conflict resolution within the relationship when both parties have a certain level of physical respect for one another.  

Become a Ninja

Now that you’ve successfully learned the art of karate, it’s time to put your newly acquired skills to the test.  Inspired by the hit TV show “American Ninja Warrior” (which, by the way, is a weird name for a show consisting of only three nouns – technically “American” can be adjective but that doesn’t help the name much…anyway), The Studio offers weekly classes that help you work a sweat while mastering obstacles.  Obstacles on location include a warp wall, spider wall, salmon ladder, monkey bars, cargo net, ninja run, and more. 

How Wine is Made

Why do people obsess about learning how wine is made and what gives different varietals unique flavor profiles?  It’s an excuse to drink more wine.  At Fallbrook Winery, you will be treated to an immersive tour through the winery including the vineyards, tank room, and the cellar while enjoying a history lesson.  On top of that, the reason one might do this experience, they’ll be feeding you delicious selections from the Fallbrook catalogue so you can taste exactly what you’re learning about.

Sailing Lessons

Have you ever watched movies like Titanic, The Poseidon Adventure, Cast Away, The Perfect Storm, and Open Sea and said to yourself “man, I think the ocean life is for me”?  Surely there’s a reason people keep returning to the sea and you’ll gain appreciation for it through this fun lesson on the Californian coast in which Sunglow Charters will teach you the basics of sailing at sea.  Lessons are given by a USCG Licensed and American Sailing Association Instructor so you know you’re in good hands and that you’ll be receiving great guidance.

Spear Fishing

Speaking of Cast Away, Tom Hanks caught dinner from 20 yards away with a spear he fashioned himself; assuming that’s a true story about Mr. Hanks (it’s not).  There’s no reason you can’t do the same.  Actually, there is one glaring reason you can’t: you have no skills to do it.  Enter Surf You to the Moon who has put together an outstanding experience to teach you the basics of throwing a three-pronged spear at highly populated fishing holes in the area.  By the end of the day you will show confidence in your abilities (or, akillities), and will likely be able to dine on your victims. 
Learning is fun, especially when it includes ninjas who know karate while sipping wine on a sailboat bound for a spearfishing expedition.
Date Ideas for Couples Who Love to Learn (Volume 6)
By joey Sudmeier on Jan 12, 2022 in LEARN SOMETHING NEW

Date Ideas for Couples Who Love to Learn (Volume 6)

Learn how to be a ninja, karate, or how to sail with this fun list geared for learners. Date Ideas for Couples Who Love to Learn (Volume 6).

Karate Lessons

The valuable lesson here is learning self-defense.  With that said, it helps in conflict resolution within the relationship when both parties have a certain level of physical respect for one another.  

Become a Ninja

Now that you’ve successfully learned the art of karate, it’s time to put your newly acquired skills to the test.  Inspired by the hit TV show “American Ninja Warrior” (which, by the way, is a weird name for a show consisting of only three nouns – technically “American” can be adjective but that doesn’t help the name much…anyway), The Studio offers weekly classes that help you work a sweat while mastering obstacles.  Obstacles on location include a warp wall, spider wall, salmon ladder, monkey bars, cargo net, ninja run, and more. 

How Wine is Made

Why do people obsess about learning how wine is made and what gives different varietals unique flavor profiles?  It’s an excuse to drink more wine.  At Fallbrook Winery, you will be treated to an immersive tour through the winery including the vineyards, tank room, and the cellar while enjoying a history lesson.  On top of that, the reason one might do this experience, they’ll be feeding you delicious selections from the Fallbrook catalogue so you can taste exactly what you’re learning about.

Sailing Lessons

Have you ever watched movies like Titanic, The Poseidon Adventure, Cast Away, The Perfect Storm, and Open Sea and said to yourself “man, I think the ocean life is for me”?  Surely there’s a reason people keep returning to the sea and you’ll gain appreciation for it through this fun lesson on the Californian coast in which Sunglow Charters will teach you the basics of sailing at sea.  Lessons are given by a USCG Licensed and American Sailing Association Instructor so you know you’re in good hands and that you’ll be receiving great guidance.

Spear Fishing

Speaking of Cast Away, Tom Hanks caught dinner from 20 yards away with a spear he fashioned himself; assuming that’s a true story about Mr. Hanks (it’s not).  There’s no reason you can’t do the same.  Actually, there is one glaring reason you can’t: you have no skills to do it.  Enter Surf You to the Moon who has put together an outstanding experience to teach you the basics of throwing a three-pronged spear at highly populated fishing holes in the area.  By the end of the day you will show confidence in your abilities (or, akillities), and will likely be able to dine on your victims. 
Learning is fun, especially when it includes ninjas who know karate while sipping wine on a sailboat bound for a spearfishing expedition.